Ninja Writing Exercise Tokyo Remains Stoic Amid Japan-Is-Doomed Reports By William Pesek

Ninja Writing Exercise

Tokyo Remains Stoic Amid Japan-Is-Doomed

Reports By William Pesek

14 cosas que debes saber antes de viajar a Japón por primera vez


When I think of all the things I could do in Tokyo, I never imagined hugging three strange 70-year-olds.


In this city it is difficult to show affection in the streets, but nevertheless when there are problems like me, there was an accident in the train station, there were several strangers and we organized and got together to save our lives.


When the earthquake ended we separated and each one went to his home or place of work, since in cities as big as Tokyo there are many natural disasters, when I see the news about Japan on CNN it makes me want to buy weapons and do a bunker.


When I leave my house in Tokyo everything seems to be working normally, the children are running at school, the cafeterias are open, the runners and cyclists are there, the barber shop on the corner is open and the trains are running on time.


Earthquake, Tsunami, Meltdown – The Triple Disaster's Impact on Japan,  Impact on the World

Then I realize that the newspaper still arrives, the mail is the same, that even though they have these natural disasters, everything works and they are adapted to this type of situation.


And you find people who sell honey at half price or special price for the earthquake.

In Japan, the street of Shibuya is well known, there are many young people and they are with the same normality as always in situations like this, thinking about looks, and the Japanese police working as always.

Natural Disasters in Japan | MATCHA - JAPAN TRAVEL WEB MAGAZINE

As citizens here in this city, I have noticed that everyone is united, not because it is a country with a lot of natural disaster, they run to other countries, they prepare to be able to continue with their lives, they have many buildings adapted for these disasters, bottled water, supplies , they choose to stay in their country and continue to do their best.

I would ask the media not to be so alarmist when sharing news about this country in others, when I see news of this type from anywhere in the world in my home it makes me want to have a drink or a hug.

Recovering from Natural Disasters: Japan

In Japan people could lament saying that everything is the fault of the bible than because nothing else to them, if there was something predicted in it, because the water rose and collapsed businesses, trains, houses, something out of a movie.


It is very shocking to see disasters like this, living them is a totally different experience than seeing on television, sometimes I imagine that this producer Jerry Bruckheimer could suddenly yells "Cut!" as his last apocalyptic ended blockbuster starring Nicolas Cage or Bruce Willis. Filming the 2012 sequel, it's really impressive.

I really like how in Tokyo there are so many people, only on weekends is when there are always so many food stalls with endless lines.

Walking through the streets I interviewed a 51-year-old accountant, this person told me that he had lived here all his life and that he never thought he should fight for bread, milk and beer, he said that it was like a horror movie to see all this.

On the other hand, in Japan we find that its national currency is the yen, normally there is surreal news of the price of the yen for foreigners to come and know, the yen reaches its post-war maximum, that is, it is at the price ceiling.

When I visited the electronics stores, I realized that in Japan electronic devices fly, that is, I tried to find the latest technology in the market and in Japan there was no longer any, it would be good luck if I find one of these

I realized that the losses increase with each blackout, each businessman, and each television report in Japan is given to failure.

As we well know that in Japan there are many disasters, from one moment to another it ceases to be the country that it claims to be, at one moment to another, they are looking for water, equipment, shelter.

They are always trying their best during

Turbulent times that we hope will end soon.


In the midst of all this in Tokyo, we can say that death here is tremendously premature.
